Pivoting the pre-market-fit startup Tanjiblocks

July 2, 2024

In early 2024, I joined Tanjiblocks, a pre-seed startup searching for product-market fit, as a fractional Chief Product Officer (CPO). Tasked with pivoting their app to better align with user needs, I helped the team redefine their value proposition, overhaul their product design, and prepare for a growth phase, including an application to Y Combinator.



Tanjiblocks, a French-based startup, initially developed a fantasy crypto trading app that allowed users to visualize their real crypto portfolios in a 3D virtual city. Buildings represented different cryptocurrency holdings, and users could purchase digital items to decorate their cities. This gamified approach aimed to make crypto holding more engaging and fun. Despite having a passionate user base and strong retention, user engagement patterns indicated that a pivot might be necessary.


In the summer of 2023, the Tanjiblocks team, having previously engaged me for product design services, invited me to join as a temporary CPO. They had identified through analytics that their weekly trading competition, a secondary feature, garnered more engagement than the 3D city-building aspect. This competition allowed users to create imaginary portfolios and compete based on real market dynamics, proving to be a significant engagement driver.


Before pivoting, Tanjiblocks was a city-builder that showcased your portfolio value through 3D buildings

Recognizing the potential, the team decided to pivot towards a more investment-focused app, where users could simulate trading real cryptocurrencies with imaginary money. My role involved leading this transition, enhancing the user experience, and guiding the product toward a more promising market fit.


Upon joining, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of user data and engagement metrics. The findings confirmed that the weekly trading competition was the most engaging feature. This insight guided the decision to pivot the app's focus from 3D portfolio visualization to a gamified trading platform.

Working closely with the CEO and CTO, we redefined the app’s value proposition, emphasizing a fantasy trading experience. The new direction aimed to provide users with a risk-free environment to practice trading strategies and compete in weekly competitions.


First wireframes pivoting the Tanjiblocks UX into a fantasy trading app

We prioritized the mobile experience, modeling the app’s user journey after well-established crypto wallet apps like Coinbase, crypto.com and Bitpanda. The redesigned interface started with a wallet-like screen showcasing users' holdings and performance. To enhance user engagement, we incorporated gamification elements, including daily Tanjicoin allocations that users could invest in virtual crypto assets.

A critical focus was the onboarding process. Real-time data indicated a significant drop-off rate, with 50% of new users not investing in any assets. To address this, I created a streamlined onboarding that introduced users to the core functionalities immediately. New users received a substantial sign-up bonus in Tanjicoin, encouraging them to invest right away and experience the app’s competitive aspect.


The new onboarding forced users to make their first investment within minutes of joining resulting in 200% increase in stickyness.

Throughout this process, we maintained a dynamic and iterative approach. The CTO rapidly implemented changes, while I facilitated mini design sprints and remote workshops to foster creativity and collaboration among the team. We continuously tested new features and gathered feedback, refining the product in response to user input.


The pivot transformed Tanjiblocks into a fantasy trading platform with a user-friendly interface and engaging game mechanics.

Early in the proccess, I opted for a pseudo 3d aesthetic for the user interface, evoking nostalgia with a retro gaming style. The design featured vibrant colors—bright oranges, yellows, and blues—combined with playful fonts, enhancing the app’s engaging and fun atmosphere.


The weekly trading recap of the new app featured bright oranges, emojis and button & card elements with a depth effect

The app now focused on simulating crypto trading with imaginary money, offering a fun and educational experience. Key features included daily Tanjicoin allocations, a playful visual style, and a competitive environment where users could compare their portfolios with others.


My contribution with the team resulted in us pivoting to a complete new direction with a new game mechanic, new UI and visual aesthetic in less than a month.

The pivot led to significant improvements in user engagement. The DAU/MAU ratio increased markedly, and the new onboarding process resulted in a 200% increase in new active users. Approximately 90% of new users invested within the first minute of using the app, contributing to better overall performance and user retention.


The main screen of the app featured a portfolio view with a realtime chart and prices for the users holdings.

The community responded positively to the new direction, and feedback from the existing Discord group highlighted the enhanced user experience. This positioned Tanjiblocks for further growth and potential entry into accelerator programs like Y Combinator.


My previous experience and background in web3 and previous projects equipped me with the necessary knowledge to navigate the complexities in pivoting a startup. This project expanded my skills, particularly in game design and user psychology, and highlighted the importance of agility and user-centered design in a startup environment.


This project not only challenged me stratically – I even hand-crafted SVG game illustratons for the in-app store.

The creative freedom and fast-paced nature of startup work provided a unique opportunity for rapid experimentation and iteration. This experience underscored the value of a data-driven approach and the power of gamification in creating engaging digital experiences.

My work with Tanjiblocks sharpened my design reasoning and broadened my expertise in a new domain, making me a more versatile and knowledgeable product leader.

A portrait of Michael Sommer, the Design Engineer